Welcome to the Al-Anon Santa Barbara Members area. Here is a list of some of the services you will find in this area.
Announcements and News
Each month, at the District 8 meeting, your Group Representative (GR) is assigned to take back to their meeting specific information to share with the group. Some of these items are linked from the Home Page News.
Members Only Area
We are an inclusive fellowship. The "Members-Only" area is not meant to be exclusive. The area is password protected to keep search engines out and to protect the anonymity of members who may be associated with items in the "Members-Only" area. Please visit any one of the meetings or see the monthly meeting list for the username and password to gain access.
Members Write
Here you will find true stories of men and women who have experienced Alcoholism in their lives. Al-Anon's monthly magazine, The Forum, contains many personal stories of inspiration: "A Meeting in my Pocket".
Santa Barbara AA Convention with Al-Anon Participation
The Santa Barbara AA Convention with Al-Anon participation is held annually in October. The convention is a place of fellowship and recovery. For those new to recovery, it can be a life-changing experience. You are encouraged to make an investment in your own recovery by participating in this year's event.